Effective Dimensioning Methods for CNC Machined Parts Drawings

2023-04-28 18:32:57 By : admin
CNC machining parts drawings are essential in creating high-quality machined components. Precision and accuracy are critical for the successful machining of components with tight tolerances. The process of CNC machining involves the use of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, which use computer programs to control cutting tools to produce parts. Let's take a look at some of the important aspects that go into the process analysis of CNC machined parts drawings.

Method of Dimensioning in CNC Machining Parts Drawings:
Some Process Analysis Of CNC Machined Parts Drawings - Walker Machining

The dimensions on the part drawing are essential for producing a machined component. Drawing dimensions convey the size, shape, and location of features on the component. There are two primary methods of dimensioning: 'Unidirectional' and 'Aligned.'

- Unidirectional dimensioning: This method of dimensioning is where all the dimensions are placed parallel to the same drawing line. This type of dimensioning is useful when there are many dimensions and the location of the dimension should not be confused.
- Aligned dimensioning: This method of dimensioning is where the dimensions are placed perpendicular to the dimension line. This type of dimensioning is useful when there are only a few dimensions.

In all cases, the dimensions should be located using tolerance zones with geometric control. The tolerance zone allows a range of parts to be acceptable, but also ensures that critical features are accurately located.

Tolerance Zones and Geometric Control:

Tolerance zones are the allowable error in a machined part's dimensions. In CNC machining, there are many factors that can affect the final size and shape of a component. These factors include machine accuracy, tool wear, and temperature variation. Therefore, it is essential to define the tolerance zones for each feature to ensure that the final part meets the design requirements.

Geometric control is the specification of the orientation, location, and form of a feature. This control eliminates the need for explicit dimensions and allows for easier part inspection. For example, instead of specifying the diameter of a hole, the feature control frame can specify the size, orientation, and position of the hole with respect to other features on the component.

Cold Drawing Sections:

Cold drawing is a process of reducing the cross-sectional area of a metal rod or wire by pulling it through a series of dies. This process increases the strength and hardness of the material while reducing its diameter. The drawn wire is then used in various applications such as fasteners, electrical contacts, and springs.

In CNC machining parts drawings, cold drawn sections play a critical role in defining the final dimensions of the component. The drawing process affects the material's properties, such as strength and elasticity, and the drawing rate and diameter reduction affect the final size of the wire. Therefore, it is essential to define the tolerance zones for cold drawn sections to ensure that the final part meets the design requirements.


Precision and accuracy are crucial aspects of CNC machining parts drawings. The dimensions and tolerance zones are essential in defining the size, shape, and location of features on the component. Geometric control simplifies the inspection process and ensures that critical features are located accurately. Cold drawing sections are also critical in defining the final dimensions of the component. Therefore, it is essential to define the tolerance zones for each feature to ensure that the final part meets the design requirements.